Donnalie Jamnah is an educator, instructional designer, and storyteller passionate about work that is creative, purposeful, and committed to liberation and equity.

Everything I do folds into the art of teaching and learning. Whether it’s classroom instruction, professional development, or parenting, I teach from a place of care and with a commitment to freedom and equity.

Instructional Designers are trained professionals that offer skills and insight few others can. We help clients meet goals and outcomes through systems thinking, strategic planning, and intentional design.

I was born into an oral storytelling tradition. I find joy in the exchange of ideas and experiences. I am a writer, moderator, and public speaker who is able to engage audiences through passion, expertise, and unique perspective.
I create tools and lead conversations that educate and inspire.

(2023) 1619 Project Education Conference
Donnalie Jamnah planned, facilitated, and participated in the Pulitzer Center’s inaugural 1619 Education Conference on February 18 and 19, 2023.

Writing Uncolonized Narratives Workshop
BNC’s Writing Uncolonized Narratives workshop helped attendees interrogate the ways biases seep into work and consider how to work from a decolonized mindset.

Teaching Black History Conference 2022
DJ was a workshop facilitator at University of Buffalo’s Teaching Black History Conference which focuses on best practices surrounding Black history education.

History of Education Quarterly Policy Dialogue: The War over How History Is Taught
A policy dialogue between Donnalie Jamnah and Jonathan Zimmerman to discuss the latest round of history wars in K-12 public education.